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Polish Breeders Club
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Welcome to the Polish Breeders Page.In 1999 I felt the need for the Polish Breed to get representation.The current club had folded and wasn't helping at all to promote the variety.
  After a ton of prayer I decided I should start a club.I contacted several friends on the internet and got the ball rolling.Edan Montgomery from Australia and Carol foersch Both gave me the encouragement to start this.Chuck and Karyn Riggs from N.Y. also wanted to pitch in as well.

   We offer as a club,four color news letters a year.These news letters are full of other members experience on breeding,hatching,genetics,showing,and other points of interest in raising this breed.

  We also offer a breeders directory which is an awesome source of extra members birds and a point system that awards points for master breeder awards.Varieties that are recognized, as well as those that are not, are eligible for the points and awards.

  The club is also enrolled in the INPC (International Network of Poland Clubs).Were sharing our knowledge with other members and clubs from countries like:Netherlands,England,Australia,Germany,Austria,Switzerland,and Denmark.

  We routinely get pictures and articles about breeds that do not exist in the United States.The club is currently trying to produce some of these breeds here.

   Currently Al Westlings is President of the club.Karyn Riggs is vice president.Jim Parker is sec/tres.Chuck Riggs is the eastern director.Timm Zitz is the central director.Dave Anderson is western director

You can also visit the clubs web page which is moderated by fellow member Carol foerstch.The address is

In a very short time we've reached well over eighty members.We're not just a club for the United States either.We cater to alot of countries and hope all that read this join,no matter where you live.

 If you have any questions ,please contact me.When you decide to join ,and I hope you do,just send me your full address,e-mail,phone and tell me all the varieties that you raise so we have a good data base of who's got what out there.

  Cost is below:

Single: $10 yr

Family:$15 yr

International:$15(travelers check)

   Thanks goes to God first for helping me start this thing and meet all kinds of people.Thanks and get that check in the mail.

           God Bless  Jim Parker

Official Polish Breeders club web site